Autowired Annotation

Autowired Annotation

Understanding @Autowired

The Autowired theory in Spring Boot refers to the framework's capability to automatically manage dependency injection. When you annotate a field, constructor, or method in a Spring application with @Autowired, Spring automatically injects the required beans into your components, eliminating the need for manual wiring. This feature streamlines the development process, making it easier to manage complex dependencies within your application.It can be used on fields, setters, and constructors.

Field injection, constructor injection, and setter injection are three primary methods used in the Spring Framework for injecting dependencies into an object. Each has its use cases, advantages, and limitations.

Field Injection:

In this approach, Spring injects dependencies directly into the class fields. It's done by marking a field with the @Autowired annotation without needing setter methods or constructors. This method is straightforward and reduces boilerplate code but has significant drawbacks. It also violates the encapsulation principle by allowing Spring to modify private fields outside of the class's public API.

Code Example: Field Injection

public class VehicleService {

    private EngineService engineService;

    public void startEngine() {

Spring injects EngineService into VehicleService without the need for manual instantiation, thus decoupling the instantiation process from the business logic.

Constructor Injection:

This method injects dependencies through the class constructor, marking the constructor with the @Autowired annotation. Constructor injection is recommended by many developers and the Spring team because it makes the dependency requirement explicit. It ensures that an object is always created in a fully initialized state, as it's impossible to construct an object without providing all necessary dependencies. This approach also facilitates immutability (when combined with final fields) and makes testing easier, as dependencies can be explicitly provided through the constructor during testing. However, it can lead to verbose code if a class has many dependencies.

Code Example: Constructor Injection

public class VehicleService {

    private final EngineService engineService;

    public VehicleService(EngineService engineService) {
        this.engineService = engineService;

    // Additional methods

Setter Injection:

Dependencies are injected through setter methods or other configuration methods marked with @Autowired. This method provides more flexibility, as dependencies can be set or changed after the object's construction. It's particularly useful when working with optional dependencies or when an object's dependencies need to be reconfigured. Setter injection supports better reusability and can make testing straightforward by allowing individual dependencies to be set in isolation. However, it can lead to partially initialized objects if not all setter methods are called, potentially resulting in a class that's in an invalid state. Additionally, it promotes mutability, which might not be desirable in all scenarios.

Code Example:Setter Injection

public class VehicleService {

    private EngineService engineService;

    public void setEngineService(EngineService engineService) {
        this.engineService = engineService;

    // Additional methods

Each of these injection methods serves different needs and has its place in the Spring ecosystem. Choosing the appropriate method depends on the specific requirements of your application, such as the necessity for immutability, the need for testing, and whether dependencies are mandatory or optional.

@Autowired with Qualifiers

The @Qualifier annotation in Spring is used to resolve the autowiring conflicts when there are multiple beans of the same type. It is used alongside @Autowired to specify which bean should be injected when there are multiple candidates.

By providing the name of the bean as the value to the @Qualifier annotation, you explicitly instruct Spring on which bean to use for autowiring.

This is particularly useful in scenarios where you have defined more than one bean of the same type but want to wire a specific bean in certain components.

The @Qualifier annotation can be used on fields, setter methods, and constructor arguments to fine-tune control over dependency injection, ensuring that the right component is used in the right context.

This is where @Qualifier annotation comes into play.

public class VehicleService {

    private EngineService engineService;

    public VehicleService(@Qualifier("dieselEngineService") EngineService engineService) {
        this.engineService = engineService;

    // Additional methods

Constructor injection is considered the best practice in using @Autowired for several reasons:

  1. Immutability: By using constructor injection, you can declare the injected dependencies as final, ensuring that they are not modifiable after the object's construction. This approach supports the creation of immutable objects, which are safer and easier to maintain.

  2. Dependency Assurance: Constructor injection guarantees that the required dependencies are provided before the bean is used. This means that the object is always in a fully initialized state, reducing the risk of NullPointerException.

  3. Simplifies Testing: With constructor injection, it's easier to write tests because you can pass the dependencies through the constructor without requiring Spring to inject them for you. This makes unit testing and mocking dependencies straightforward.

  4. Avoids Circular Dependencies: Constructor injection helps to detect circular dependencies at the application startup time, preventing runtime failures. If two beans are circularly dependent on each other, Spring will fail to start, highlighting the issue early in the development process.

Field injection with @Autowired has several disadvantages:

  1. It can lead to issues with immutability, as dependencies injected directly into fields cannot be declared final, making the class mutable and potentially less safe.

  2. Testing becomes more challenging, as you cannot easily pass mock dependencies without reflection or Spring-specific testing frameworks.

  3. It obscures the class's dependencies, making it less clear which dependencies are required, potentially complicating understanding and maintenance of the code.

  4. Field injection does not fail fast; if a required dependency is missing, the error might only surface at runtime, whereas constructor injection would reveal such an issue at startup.

Setter injection with @Autowired has several disadvantages:

  1. Potential for partial construction: Objects can be left in an uninitialized state if not all setters are called.

  2. Clarity on dependencies: It's harder to distinguish between mandatory and optional dependencies, potentially leading to runtime errors.

  3. Encourages mutability: Allows for the modification of dependencies after an object's construction, which can lead to less predictable behavior.

  4. Testing complexity: While it simplifies the injection of mock dependencies without needing reflection, managing the correct state for tests can be cumbersome due to the potential for missed setter calls.

  5. Fails late: Similar to field injection, issues related to missing dependencies might only become apparent at runtime rather than at application startup.


Wrap up by summarizing the importance of @Autowired in managing dependencies within Spring Boot applications. Emphasize the flexibility it offers developers, allowing for cleaner, more maintainable code.